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réunion mixte RDC
Meeting of experts from the Ministries in charge of Trade in Congo Brazzaville and Congo Kinshasa 02 September 2020

Experts are working on the Agreement of the ZLECAF Trade Convention   Experts from the Ministries…

Le Ministre d'Etat, Ministre du commerce, des approvisionnements et de la consommation, Alphonse Claude N'SILOU, en compagnie de son homologue de la RDC, Jean Lucien BUSA
Joint Meeting between Trade Ministers of Congo Brazzaville and the DRC 25 August 2020

The Minister of State, Minister of Trade, Supply and Consumption, Alphonse Claude N'SILOU,…

Trade Facilitation: UNCTAD launches the first capacity building seminar of the National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC). 09 March 2020

Trade Facilitation: UNCTAD launches the first capacity building seminar of the National Trade…

Meeting of the Minister of State with the Secretary-General of UNCTAD 04 March 2020

The Minister of State, Minister for Trade and Supply met with the Secretary-General of UNCTAD.…

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Launch of works for the operationalization of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) 20 February 2020

Dear Colleagues, Distinguished invitees, Ladies and Gentlemen       Over the next ten years,…

Made in Congo is exhibited at the Brazzaville fair 06 February 2020

This appetite for e-commerce since around 2015 is obviously later than that in most developed…