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The Directorate of Studies and Planning

Sub Title

Main Image
Philippe Mouanda, DEP

Main Image Name
Philippe MOUANDA

Main Image sub Title
Director of Studies and Planning


Section 3: the Directorate of Studies and Planning is responsible for:

  • developing sector strategies, priority action plan for medium-term spending framework;
  • ensuring consistency of strategy, action plan and implementation across projects;
  • conducting any economic and financial studies relating to the preparation of projects;
  • completing all work related to the preparation of projects and programmes;
  • monitoring and assessing of the project of the Ministry;
  • conducting all analysis and interpretation of statistics of the Ministry;
  • participating in the oversight the Ministry’s procurement management;
  •  carrying out or have carried out all the studies or surveys necessary to improve the quality of the public service;
  • coordinating and monitoring all plans and programmes of the Ministry.

Section 4: The Directorate of Studies and Planning, in addition to the Secretariat, includes:

  • The department of studies ;
  • The department of statistics ;
  • The department of planning.

Chapter 1 : Secretariat

Section 5: The Secretariat shall be headed and chaired by a Secretary who shall have the rank of Head of Office.
In particular, it is responsible for:

  • receiving, recording and shipping mails;
  • processing, disseminating and classifying correspondence and other administrative documents;
  • capturing and filming correspondence and other administrative documents;
  • performing any other duties that may be assigned.

Chapter 2: Department of Studies

Section 6: The department of studies shall be headed and led by a dead of department. 

He shall be responsible, inter alia, for:

  • identifying the projects and ensuring that the studies of the selected projects are carried;
  • reviewing and formatting project documents;
  • monitoring and assessing the execution of the ministry’s projects and programmes, whether or not they are part of the public investment programme;
  • centralizing all data and documentation related to all projects and programmes of the Ministry, carried out or in progress;
  • - maintaining and updating a database of all projects in the Ministry.

Chapter 3: Department of Statistics

Section7: The Department of Statistics shall be headed and facilitated by a head of department. It shall be responsible, inter alia, for:

  • producing and/or centralising statistical information;
  • analyzing and interpreting the sector’s statistical data;

Chapter 4: Department of Planning

Section 8: The Department of Planning is headed and facilitated by a department head. 

This includes :

  • developing, coordinating and monitoring development plans and programs of the Ministry;
  • defining methods for planning and financing public investment;
  • working with structures involved in the development of the medium-term public finance;
  • developing economic and financial forecasts;
  • developing, implementing and tracking the business programmes of the Ministry.



Section 9: The attributions and organization of the offices to be set up, as necessary, shall be determined by order of the Minister.

Section10: The heads of departments and offices shall be appointed by an order from the Minister

Section 11: This decree will be registered, published in the Official Gazette and communicated wherever necessary. /-