The AGOA (African Growth Opportunities Act), in French "Loi sur la Croissance et les Opportunités de Développement en Afrique", is an American Federal Law adopted on 18 May 2000 by the US Congress et signed by President Bill CLINTON.
The main objective of this law is to boost export-oriented growth and development in the African region.
It was last renewed in 2015 for a period of ten (10) years until 2025.
Currently, thirty-eight (38) countries, including Congo, are eligible for the benefits of this law.
The Republic of Congo has taken the strategic option of instituting export activity as a lever for growth and economic and social development.
It is in this context that it was put in place by memorandum No. 01/MCAC-CAB of 278 Mars 2018, an AGOA working group, following the workshop held on 20 March 2018 at the Embassy of the United States in the Republic of Congo.
The main task of this working group is to develop an AGOA action plan for the Congo.
The first meeting of this working group which took place on 13 April 2018, at the Cabinet of the Minister of State, Minister of Trade, Supply and Consumption, after discussions, proposed a Provisional Action Plan AGOA after finalizing at the next working sessions.
The second meeting took place on 19 April 2018 at the Embassy of the United States under the coordination of His Excellency the Ambassador himself.