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The Directorate General for Domestic Trade is the technical body which assists the Minister in the exercise of his duties in the domain of internal trade.
It has the responsibility to:
- Propose and implement the State’s policy in the area of internal trade in goods and services and supplies;
- Develop and popularize legislative and regulatory texts in the domain of internal trade;
- Assess the domestic supply and demand for goods and services and monitor the stocks of everyday consumer products;
- Ensuring the regular supply of the national market;
- Regulate imports of goods and services;
- Participate in the development of the trade balance;
- Organize the distribution of goods and services;
- Define national pricing policy;
- Approve the location of companies and establishments;
- Keep track of files on traders;
- Promote standards of weights and measures;
- Contribute to the development of labelling, composition and naming rules for all goods;
- Promote cooperation with consular chambers;
- Collect, manage, use and disseminate statistical data;
- Participate in the implementation of a national scheme of commercial town planning:
- Promote commercial activities throughout the national territory and define a support policy for retail trade;
- Ensuring the quality of goods and services released for consumption;
- Manage trade quotas.
Article 2: The directorate general of domestic trade shall be managed and run by a general director.
Article 3: The directorate general of domestic trade, in addition to the direct secretariat, shall comprise:
- The directorate of commercial promotion and standards;
- The directorate of supplies, distribution and prices;
- The statistics department;
- The directorate of administrative and financial affairs;
- The departmental directorates.
Chapter 1: The executive secretariat
Article 4: The management secretariat shall be managed and run by a chief of secretariat with rank of chief of service.
He is responsible for all secretarial work, notably to:
- Receive and forward mails;
- Briefly analyse correspondence and other documents:
- Enter and register correspondence and other administrative documents;
- And in general, perform any other task that may be entrusted with.
Chapter 2: The directorate of trade promotion and standards
Article 5: The directorate of trade promotion and standards shall be managed and run by a director.
It has the responsibility to:
- Approve the establishment of companies and establishments;
- Keep track of files on traders;
- Provide technical support to traders;
- Promote cooperation with consular chambers;
- Promote commercial activities throughout the national territory;
- Promote standards of weights and measures;
- Monitor the quality of goods and services released for consumption;
- Participate in the development of texts on trade promotion and standards;
- Contribute to the development of labeling, composition and naming rules for goods of all kinds.
Article 6: The directorate of trade promotion and standards shall comprise:
- The service for trade promotion and approvals;
- The service for standards and metrology.
Chapter 3: Directorate of supply, distribution and prices
Article 7: The Directorate of supply, distribution and prices shall be managed and run by a director.
It has the responsibility to:
- Ensure the regular supply of the national market;
- Ensure the management of trade quotas;
- Organize the distribution of goods and services;
- Assess national needs and monitor stocks, particularly for daily consumer goods;
- Define the national pricing policy;
- Ensure the administration and study of prices and registering of prices for goods and services;
- Contribute to the elaboration of mercurials.
Article 8: The directorate of supply, distribution and prices shall comprise:
- The service for supply and distribution;
- The service price and economy.
Chapter 4: The Directorate of statistics
Article 9: The Directorate of statistics shall be managed and run by a director.
It shall have the responsibility to:
- Collect, manage, use and disseminate statistical data and other sectoral information;
- Follow the evolution of the prices of goods and services;
- Design tools for trade surveys;
- Carry out or commission sectoral studies;
- Build and manage the statistical database.
Article 10: The directorate of statistics shall comprise:
- The service for data collection and processing;
- The service for sectoral studies.
Chapter 4: The directorate of administrative and financial affairs
Article 11: The directorate of administrative and financial affairs shall be managed and run by a director.
It shall have the responsibility to:
- Manage human resources;
- Draw up the draft operating budget for the Directorate General for Internal Trade;
- Participate in the development of the ministry's investment budget;
- Manage finances and equipment:
- Manage archives and documentation;
- Develop and implement a staff training and development programme.
Article 12: The directorate of administrative and financial affairs, shall comprise:
- The service for human resources;
- The service for finance and equipment;
- The service for archives and documentation.
Chapter 5: Departmental directorates
Article 13: The departmental directorates shall be governed by specific texts.
Article 14: The duties and the organization of the offices to be created, as necessary, shall be fixed by ministerial decree.
Article 15: Each central management shall have a secretariat managed and run by a secretary with rank of chief of service.
Article 16: This decree, which repeals all previous contrary provisions, shall be registered and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Congo.